zondag 2 augustus 2009

the matching shawl

so, been a while since I posted last. I still got sore hands/arms and haven't knitted hardly at all. I went to physiotherapy and aparently my neck was to blame. It's pretty much solved now, just got to take it slowly still. not knit more than 10 minutes at a time.

so I've been spinning. And spinning nicely. I got this north holland wool and it spins so fine! It washes up a nice white colour so I decided to make my weddingringshawl out of it. I can't promise it will fit through a weddingring, but it sure looks like a wedding ring. well, honoustly, it will be 3003 weddingrings by time I finish. for now, it is this many:

pretty cool ay!

Easy as pattern, only 4 rows 7 stitches repeat. You knit every row and every row has pattern stitches, thus it's real lace.

I got the pattern from here: http://www.heirloom-knitting.co.uk/

I see they are off air at the moment, cause they're on a break. Can't understand why you'd take the information off as well, pretty dum really. but anyhow, itĺl be back surely.

if you want the pattern and want it now, you can ask here, it was available for free so I'm sure they don't mind me giving it away for them.

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